コマンドはバンバン使うけれど、そのコマンドって何の略なのか知らずに使っていることってないですか? 今回はlinuxで使うコマンドの由来(何の略か)を紹介します。
目次 非表示
- alias:alias
- apt-get:advanced package tool – get
- arch:architecture
- bash:bourne again shell
- bg:background
- cal:calendar
- cat:concatnate
- cd:change directory
- chgrp:change group
- chkconfig:configuration state checker
- chmod:change mode
- chown:change owner
- clear:clear
- compress:compress
- cp:copy
- date:date
- df:disk free
- diff:difference
- du:disk used
- exit:exit
- fg:foreground
- find:finf
- free:free
- grep:global regular expression print
- gzip:GNU zip
- head:head
- history:history
- hostname:host name
- ifconfig:interface configuration
- kill:kill process
- ln:link
- login:login
- ls:list
- man:manual
- mkdir:make directory
- mv:move
- netstat:network statistics
- nohup:no hangup
- ping:packet internet groper
- ps:process status
- passwd:password
- pwd:print working directory
- rm:remove
- rmdir:remove directory
- sed:stream editor
- sleep:sleep
- sh:shell
- stat:status
- su:substitute user
- sudo:substitute user do
- tail:tail
- tar:tape archival and retrieval format
- top:table of process
- touch:touch
- uname:unix name
- vi:visual
- vmstat:virtual memory statistics
- wc:word count
- wget:world wide web get
- whereis:where is
- who:Print who is currently logged in
- whoami:who am I
- yum:Yellowdog Updater Modified
topはtable of processの略だと思います。